Annotated Swadesh wordlists for the Solomon Islands group (Austronesian family).

Languages included: 'Are'are /Maasupa/ [slm-are]; 'Are'are /Waiahaa/ [slm-arw].

Data sources.
Tryon & Hackman 1983 = Tryon, D. T.; Hackman, B. D. Solomon Islands Languages: An Internal Classification. Pacific Linguistics Series C - No. 72. Research School of Pacific Studies: Australian National University. // (The monograph uses lexical and phonetic data (collected by the authors) from approximately 100 Austronesian languages of the Solomon Islands to offer a genetic classification. The largest part of the monograph is dedicated to the publication of 320-item wordlists for all of the languages concerned; unfortunately, some of the Swadesh items remain uncovered).

'Are'are: Geerts 1970 = Geerts, P. 'Āre'āre Dictionary. Pacific Linguistics Series C - No. 14. The Australian National University. // A comprehensive dictionary of the 'Are'are language, or, rather, "macrolanguage": includes unmarked data from several dialects, which makes it all but impossible to use it for construction of primary wordlists.

Notes on 'Are'are: Although two of the lists in [Tryon & Hackman 1983] are marked as "'Are'are", numerous lexicostatistical differences make it clear that either the lists (or at least one of the lists) have been compiled very poorly, or that the "'Are'are" language is in reality a "macrolanguage" or even a set of completely distinct languages, or - most probable of all - that both of these things are true.
This impression is further confirmed by analysis of the 'Are'are dictionary by P. Geerts: it is claimed that "the basis of this dictionary is the 'Āre'āre as spoken around Tarapaina, in the Small Malaita Passage", but it is quite transparent that the author has included data from a whole variety of very different (both lexically and phonetically) dialects, unfortunately, without marking the particular sources of data provenance. [Geerts 1970] is, therefore, unusable as a lexicostatistical source, despite containing far more lexical data than the poorly reliable lists in [Tryon & Hackman 1983]. We include data from this dictionary in the Notes sections for auxiliary purposes only.

Database compiled and annotated by: G. Starostin (last revision: October 2011).